Sunday, 21 January 2007

One of the reasons that the Princess came down to Rothera was to Bury a time capsule under this large rock which was filled with relevant articles placed in it by workers here at the base and is due to be dug up and opened in 2107. Don't think i need worry about seeing it opened again!
Myself and Tommy giving the Princess and her husband Admiral Tim Lawrence some pointers on skidoo driving before they went for a ride around up near Vals and Stork Bowl. They both thoroughly enjoyed this and even requested to drive the skidoo's all the way back down to the base.
Princess Anne on her first day at Rothera. Very pleasant lady and down to earth. Admiring the view from North Cove out into the bay.
Very crevassed area which the Princess and the Royal party viewed on one of their trips out on the Lynx Helicopters.
One of the two Lynx Helicopters which neatly fold up an fit into a hanger on the HMS Endurance

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