Friday 29 December 2006

Well Christmas came and went this week. It was a strange day for me as i have never spent a Christmas away from home. However at 9am in the morning i was up the mountains snowboarding so it can't be all that bad. In the evening our fabulous chefs had cooked traditional Christmas dinner and we even had little pigs in blankets. Boxing day brought a full day of snow and Stephen's birthday. Using our imagination Adam and myself managed to make a card and a really resourceful present to give to Steve. Lucky we know exactly what he likes!
There a quite a lot of seals about at the moment. Mostly Weddell seals but this is a female Elephant seal which we spotted on our walk around Rothera point.
Adele Penguins are very common around the base and we often get then waddling into our workshop.
After our day of at Christmas it was back to work and one of my many tasks this week was to fit a set of snow chains to he newest member of machinery to the fleet, a JCB loading shovel. This machine will do lots of lifting of pallets and containers throughout the summer and then in the winter it will have one of the 5 Ton snow blowers attached to it for clearing the runway in preparation for the arrival of the Twin Otters and the Dash at the beginning of there next summer season.

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